Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Jeremiah came and got me.
"Come to your room, Mom, there's a surprise for you!"
As I walked to the room
(all 10 steps)
I'm thinking
"what have they done now??"
Surprises aren't always pleasant around here...
He leads me to the closet.
I'm thinking
"hey - stay away from there - pretty soon I'll have presents in there!"
then he shows me the door.
The one Lily colored all over last Thursday with red marker.
And it's clean (pretty much)
He excitedly jumped up and down
and told me he'd cleaned it for me and Dad.
Needless to say
he was showered with praise
several times throughout the day
just a moment ago
" Mommy, I took initiative!!!
I cleaned the playroom without even being asked!!"
thank-you, Jeremiah!
Momma, Daddy and Jesus are so pleased with you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. little blessings..
    he's so adorable!!

  3. lol.. well, my stylist takes care of the color for me! someone's gotta handle that grey! ;) would love to see pics of you & all your kiddos. how many you have now? [last we talked, you were pregnant w/ the 4th.] looks like you've got some little ones. :) and where are ya living now?

  4. just look back through the blog :-)

    7, #8 is coming in January, plus a super son-in-law

    we're in the small town just north of where we lived way back when :-)


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