Friday, March 27, 2009

right now

I’m nursing the baby and she is drifting off to peaceful sleep.
I’d like to keep holding her
she’s snuggling so sweetly
but I think she’ll actually lay down for this nap,
so I best take advantage of it.

Lily and Josiah are on the couch
her reading Henry and Mudge, while he reads Putter & Tabby.
A load of laundry - colors - waiting to be folded
separates them.
Lily is wearing fuchsia pants and shoes
one red, one pink, both for the right foot.
No shirt.

In mismatched jammies
Jeremiah sits opposite me in the heirloom rocker,
leaning against the quilt, also reading Putter and Tabby.

Brandon is out with Bernie.
He chewed through the rope holding the gate shut.
(Bernie, not Brandon)

Tony is at the church
helping to unload the chairs for the new building
which is almost ready.
He’ll need to stop at the co-op on the way home
to buy some chain for the gate.
It’s not picture perfect
but it’s wonderfully pleasant.
Soon we’ll be engulfed in the chaos
that comes with a houseful of children and dogs
but I am enjoying this moment.
Right now.
I am happy.

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